Weight Loss


Weight Loss

Weight loss, as explained by the Wikipedia in the context of medicine, health, or physical fitness, refers to a reduction of the total body mass, by a mean loss of fluid, body fat (adipose tissue), or lean mass (namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon, and other connective tissue).

Malnutrition and other health conditions can lead to weight loss. A conscious effort towards weight loss however is to improve health and fitness or to treat an obese or overweight state.

Despite the numerous “how to lose weight quicker” schemes, the foundation of successful weight loss is a healthy, calorie-controlled balanced diet combined with increased physical activity.

  • Some ways to lose weight

A successful, long-term weight loss would require some permanent changes in lifestyle and health habits.

Some may include;

Tracking your diet and exercise; that is being aware of what you eat and drink each day

Intermittent fasting;
This involves regular short-term fasts and consuming meals within a shorter time period

Taking in protein for breakfast;
Proteins regulate appetite and makes people feel full.

Taking in less of sugar and refined carbohydrates, etc


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