
Chirurgie plastique


One of the most significant facial organs, the nose may need some aesthetic applications. The nose can undergo nasal aesthetics as well, allowing for the use of many features.


This procedure can be used to correct deformities caused by various reasons. Additionally, nose surgery can remove fractures brought on by accidents and similar circumstances, particularly breathing problems. Naturally, since it is visible in the foreground, any shape issues that could disturb the person should be avoided.
  • Rhinoplastie de révision
  • Rhinoplastie ethnique
  • Septoplasty
  • Reconstructive

Rhinoplastie de révision

At times, the first nose surgery procedure may not have met your aesthetic goals. In such cases, a revision rhinoplasty surgery can be an appropriate treatment to achieve minor corrections and fine-tune the results of the original operation.

Revision rhinoplasty, also referred to as secondary rhinoplasty, is performed to repair problems that develop after previous nose surgery. Our expert revision rhinoplasty surgeons in Istanbul are renowned for their ability to improve unsatisfactory outcomes of primary nose surgery and to restore a natural look to the nose.

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Rhinoplastie ethnique

Ethnic rhinoplasty is a treatment tailored to the needs of people of non-European descent. Natural Clinic recognizes that every patient is unique when it comes to anatomy, concerns and expectations. Another important issue to consider when planning rhinoplasty, that is, nose surgery, is the racial heritage of the patient

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The most common symptom of septum deviation is difficulty breathing through the nose. Nasal congestion is usually on the side where the septum is bent, but it can also cause constant or variable breathing difficulty on both sides, sometimes on the right and sometimes on the left. Septum deviation can cause these health issues:

  • Unilateral or bilateral nasal congestion
  • Recurrent nosebleeds
  • Recurrent sinusitis
  • Sometimes facial pain, headache, postnasal drip
  • Loud breathing during sleep (especially in children)

In some people with mild septal deviation, symptoms only occur during a cold. In these people, the swelling caused by the respiratory tract infection in the nasal tissues makes a mild degree of congestion that is not normally noticed and the complaints disappear again after the cold has healed.

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Sometimes a nose can be destroyed as a result of a trauma or cancer. Reconstructive rhinoplasty refers to the cosmetic surgery designed to restore tissue that is absent or has been damaged beyond repair. Patients who sustained an injury that led to a broken nose or a trauma are good candidates.

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