
Chirurgie plastique


La restauration aide les femmes à obtenir une apparence plus galbée.
  • Réduction mammaire
  • Agrandissement des seins
  • Lifting des seins
  • Gynecomastia

Réduction mammaire

Breast reduction is a plastic surgery Turkey procedure designed to reduce the excessive breast size, heavy breast weight—and to reposition drooping nipples. The result of boob reduction surgery is an aesthetically appealing breast appearance—with a more proportionate size and shape. 

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Agrandissement des seins

Breast enlargement is a surgical procedure that uses silicone prostheses to increase the size of the breasts if, for genetic or developmental reasons, the patient is unhappy with the way they look or feel. The most crucial idea for the procedure is the size the patients want.

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Lifting des seins

After the milk cycle is finished, breast volume decreases especially in breasts that enlarge as a result of lactation after birth. The breast and nipple usually droop downward because the skin typically can not adjust to this shrinkage. 


The loss of breast tissue brought on by extreme weight loss may result in the same outcome in some patients.

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Many men and teenage boys suffer from overdeveloped breasts. Gynecomastia is a condition referring to the over development of man’s breast and the over projection of the nipple and areola. It’s a highly common condition affecting 40 to 60 % of men—who feel self-conscious by what they describe as “female-like” breasts. It can affect only one breast—or both. More and more men are realizing that gynecomastia can be safely and effectively corrected with a male breast reduction surgery.

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