Chirurgie plastique



Liposuction, which is a very popular body shaping surgery, can be applied to both men and women. People who have fat deposits that resist regular diet and sports in certain parts of their body, especially in the abdomen, hips and thighs, although they are at or close to their ideal weight, are suitable candidates for liposuction. 

However, since some different factors such as the general health status of the person and skin elasticity affect the decision of liposuction, the suitability for the operation should be given after the evaluations made specifically for the person.
  • Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
  • Plastie abdominale
  • Arm Lift
  • Thigh Lift
  • Mommy Makeover

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

One of the body areas where plastic surgery is frequently preferred recently is the hip and butt. This procedure, which is performed to make the hip area look more proportional and more aesthetic with the body, comes to the rescue of those who want a rounded butt appearance.


Worldwide, those who benefit most from this procedure are those with a small butt. A small butt appearance may occur depending on factors such as weight gain, loss, pregnancy and birth, and genetic factors. This is where hip aesthetic surgery comes into play.

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Plastie abdominale

Tummy Tuck is an operation that has been performed for many years in the medical literature on abdominal aesthetics. Especially after giving birth, women experience problems due to sagging in the belly and abdomen areas. Surgical interventions are performed to get rid of these sagging. It is performed using different techniques than normal tummy tuck surgeries. In tummy tuck operations, the sagging and deformed parts below the belly button become aesthetically pleasing after the operation. Thanks to this technique known as Tummy Tuck, there are other areas that are shaped together with the lower abdomen. These are the waist, abdomen and groin.

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Arm Lift

Brachioplasty is a surgery that reshapes the back of the upper arm from the arm to the elbow. It is also called arm lift aesthetics. With this surgery, the extra skin and tissue in the upper arm are cleaned and the upper arm looks smoother.

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Thigh Lift

Thigh lift operation over time, due to weight gain, pregnancy, or the effects of time, the skin inside the thigh sags. In particular, the skin in the thigh is a region that is very prone to sagging. The stretching of the skin as a result of weight changes sometimes cannot recover and the skin sags. Such patients are particularly disturbed by the friction of this area against each other while walking. In summer, discomfort such as diaper rash and fungus may occur. In addition to these medical problems, they may also be uncomfortable in their private lives aesthetically.

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Mommy Makeover

Postpartum sagging, relaxation, local lubrication, etc. are all part of the mommy makeover. It is the term used to describe a number of surgical procedures carried out to reverse the changes. Both simultaneous and sequential surgeries are possible. It is ideal to delay decision-making about the procedures for at least 6 months after delivery. Tissues heal during this time, and weight loss is possible through diet and exercise. Nursing while undergoing such procedures or receiving anesthesia is not prohibited.

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