Greffe de cheveux

Non chirurgical

Greffe de cheveux

Hair transplant procedures restore a youthful & healthy appearance.

La greffe de cheveux consiste à prélever de petits morceaux de greffons de cuir chevelu porteurs de cheveux sur un site donneur et à les replacer sur une zone chauve ou clairsemée.

It is a surgical procedure which solves the problem of 85% of patients who have been suffering from hair loss by using a method called FUE. It is performed under local anesthesia. It is the most reliable anesthesia method in hair transplantation where the patient is awake but does not feel pain.
  • FUE Hair Transplant
  • DHI Hair Transplant
  • Transplantation de barbe
  • Greffe de sourcils
  • Mesotherapy

FUE Hair Transplant

Today, the most preferred hair transplant is hair transplantation with the fue method. This method is an aesthetic operation that is frequently performed as a permanent solution to baldness. In this article, we will give information about how hair transplantation is done with the fue method and what is hair transplantation with the fue method.

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DHI Hair Transplant

DHI hair transplantation, which is expressed as direct hair implantation, is one of the most advanced methods and is performed using special devices called implanter pen. In this method, which has become popular in recent years, no incision is made and there is a two-stage application. In other hair transplantation methods, three different methods such as grooving, graft collection and graft transplantation are applied, while the DHI method is known to be more practical.

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Transplantation de barbe

Beard transplantation is the most common form of hair transplantation in the world, applied to the face area. For some reasons, men’s beard thinning or absence of beard occurs. Beard loss may be due to hormone levels, skin diseases, as well as autoimmune disorders. The skin disease called Alopecia Areata can also cause shedding. There is no medical or cosmetic treatment for new hair growth yet, so transplantation is the only solution. While there was no cure for this problem in areas such as hair and beard in the past, it is now a problem due to the developing technology and innovations in the field of medicine.

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Greffe de sourcils

The shape, geometry, dimensions of the eyebrow should be compatible with gender and face shape. The acceptable norms of the eyebrow vary depending on ethnicity, age, gender and fashion trends. The eyebrows are placed with a slight inclination on the orbital rim of the upper bone structure of the eye socket. The eyebrows are at the center of the person’s appearance to frame the eyes from the top and provide symmetry to the face.

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Mesotherapy, one of the medical aesthetic interventions applied for the first time in 1952, allows many different problems to disappear with a very comfortable process. It can be said that this method is used in many areas from skin rejuvenation to sports injuries, from cellulite to scars. The basis of the mesotherapy process is based on the procedure of delivering the mixture prepared in accordance with the specific needs of the person to the middle layer of the skin by microinjection. In this way, structures such as collagen and elastin under the skin are stimulated and blood circulation accelerates.

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