IVF / Fertility

Mode de vie


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a fertilization technique where a sperm is combined with an egg outside the womb and later implanted in the womb of the woman.

This procedure has been found to be very useful for couples who have issues with pregnancy. Both eggs and sperm can be from the couple themselves or it can be a donated one.

The success rate is usually dependent on the age of the woman and the cause of infertility if it’s been diagnosed. Younger women have a higher chance for a successful IVF.

Monitoring and maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking, alcohol and other unhealthy practices during IVF treatment can improve your chances for having a successful procedure.

  • The most common side effects OF In vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Risks associated with IVF treatment:

Some side effects

Most of these symptoms are as a result of the fertility treatments during the stimulation process. The include but not limited to

Hot flashes


Feeling nauseous


Enlargement of ovaries

Bruising from IVF injections

Experiencing some abdominal pains


Some notable risks


Ectopic pregnancy

Multiple birth

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS): An uncommon condition that causes vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, weight gain, etc

İnfection or bleeding during egg retrieval, etc


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