Bilan de santé

Mode de vie
Check Up is an intentional general health screening to gather some relevant information about one's health and to discover possible risks or health problems. Timely diagnosis of any disease can always be a life saver.

Most healthcare facilities provide check up packages that is specialized for patient, mainly by age and gender. An people grow in age, it is advised that routine check ups must increase as well
  • Tests performed during Check up
  • What does Check Up cover?

What type of tests are usually performed

– Blood test (complete blood count)

– X – ray

– Blood lipids

– Urinalysis (complete urinary test)

– Thyroid function test

– ECG (Electrocardiography)

– Antibody tests for hepatitis, HIV and other infectious agents.

– Mammography for women 40 years and above

Most check up packages can give you health update on the following areas;



Diabetes (diabetes)

Immune system disorders

Cerebrovascular diseases

BMI (Body Mass Index)

Respiratory system diseases

Cardiovascular (heart) health problems

Cholesterol levels

Kidney and liver function

Eye problems

Infectious diseases such as measles and STIs such as gonorrhea, HIV, etc

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